Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Flight to the Death

I've just returned from a lovely weekend in Houston (details about which you can read on the new Cindy Lou Who page- Adventures of 2012). It's not a particularly treacherous trip, the hour and a half direct flight, but today's trip home was just...what's the word??....oh ya, awful.

Not that there was any turbulance, or the selectoin of gourmet pretzels and peanuts didn't hit the spot, but the passengers, were just horrible. And I blame the airlines. I know we all find it annoying that most airlines have started charging fees out the wazoo for baggage, and in an effort to adjust, we have all started taking carry ons to avoid the hassle of Baggage Claim and the $25-$35 each way depending on the airline. This is what I am calling the "root of the problem". Due to increased carry on luggage and a static amount of overhead space, competition for these valuable spots is at an all time high. And it's a bloody battlefield out there.

Anyone who has been on a domestic flight in the last 5 years knows the exact trepidation that I am refering to - will I be able to get on the plane in time to get a spot for my bag? Or, Heaven forbid, will they have to...(insert sinister Apocalyptic sountrack)...CHECK IT! I don't even have a name tag on my bag, we aren't prepared for this! Today, while I stood as close to the boarding line as I was allowed before they called my actual zone number (Hey- I never said I wasn't part of the problem), I almost saw a fist fight ensue while jockeying for position to get in line for the line. A man who cursed at his wife to (and this is a direct quote) "get off your fat a$$ and let's get ready to get in that GD line" practically trampled a 4'11'' grey haired lady. When the son who was assisting the elderly mother snapped back at him to "calm down", the man simply replied (also a direct quote) "why don't you get her out of the line of fire, buddy". Except instead of the word buddy, he chose a slightly less affectionate nickname. I was really hoping that the attendant taking tickets was going to send him and his suitcases to the back of the line to think about what he had done. No dice.

Next time you are at the airport waiting for a flight, notice the redistribution of the waiting passengers. No one is sitting in the back corner next to the alternating numbered gate over, but the crowd has gathered in the seats as close to the gate as possible, including the floor. People would rather sit on the disgusting airport carpet and lean against the wall for an hour than risk being too far away to snag a coveted overhead storage spot for LOS....I mean....his or her suitcase. (this reference will be lost on you unless you have read the intro to my suitcase on the new page). And when they actually start boarding passengers, you will notice what I like to call the Gate Creep. Everyone start slowly inching towards the door to the jetway, not entirely unlike a group of zombies who have just spotted fresh brains. The only way to stop them is to destroy them.

But seriously, Mr. Airline, look at what you are doing to your passengers. You are pitting us against each other and then locking us in a 39,000 mile high cabin with bad $7 drinks. And the cabin crew perpetuates this situation. When I couldn't find storage this afternoon, I told the flight attendant that I needed to check my bag, there were no open spaces. She then asked me if I had walked the entire plane and was I SURE there was no where to put it? (Which tells me that even she didn't want me to have to check the bag). At this point, I explain to her that I am fairly certain that I have aptly assessed the situation and can with about 95% confidence guarantee that my bag will not fit in any of the room left. Then, with a frustrated sigh and eye roll, she takes my bag from me and does her own assessment of the situation and concurs. Thank goodness we were able to get on the same page about that one. At this point in the game, it's also important to note that I am the only standing passenger on the plane, the rest of the group is seated with their buckles fastened, and ready for take off. As I wish to be as well, instead of all eyes on me and my baggage situation.

The woman finally asks in my seating area who's bags are in a specific bin across the way, because there are several small ones and a coat. Well, of course it would be both of the men seated on either side of me (Ironically, this is also the story of how I learned to spend the $10 extra and never have a middle seat again). And she tells them that the overhead space is reserved for larger carry ons and they will have to put their items under their seats. Oh boy, they were not happy with me. They spent the rest of the flight elbowing and kneeing me to remind me that I was the cause of their lack of space. Which is so not fair, because if the woman had just checked the bag in the first place, we might have already been in the air, enjoying our $7 watered down cocktails instead of all getting to be better friends. I tried to play by their rules, and they wouldn't let me. This was just a tense flight all around.

Travel is stressful enough as it is, now we have to add a foot race to the boarding line with a possible sudden death in the event of a tie? While I have always been loyal to my Atlanta based Delta and usually have very positive experiences, I'll be interested to see how well Southwest does when they start service here next month. If switching loyalties means that I can sit in a real seat before flights and not feel like I'm walking into the Gladiator ring every time I carry on my luggage, I think it will be an easy sell for me. If I wanted to wait in lines like that, I would just run to the bread aisle at the grocery store whenever ice is predicted.

So, in conclusion, don't be that guy.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Official Guide to the New Years Resolution

Is it too late to change my New Years resolution? What's the official deadline that we have to have these turned in by? I think that there needs to be some official document on the rules of the New Years Resolution. In fact, let's go ahead and lay out some ground rules...

Official deadlines to submit resolution
- January 31: for all participants intending to actually keep proclaimed resolution
- January 15: for all participants who want to make a serious resolution but have no real intention of keeping it for more than a week 
- January 2: for all participants who just got caught up in the excitement of the toasts at midnight
- April 15: for all participants who resolve to do their taxes for the year
- December 31: for all participants who are compulsive liars

**All requests for deadline extensions must be submitted in writing to the Resolution committee which consists of myself, the Easter Bunny, Mariah Carey (pre-Nick Cannon)  and our Member at Large- Mickey**

Recognized Resolution Categories
- Personal Development: Including, but by no means limited to (depending on the severity of your neuroses): weight loss, quitting smoking, drinking less, exercising more, learning- see subsection 2A
- (2A) Learning: a lanugage, how to cook, how to remove your foot from your mouth, how to do your      taxes, how to catch your tail when chasing it, Bird Law
- Things that you've been putting off: how to ride a bike, how to swim, change your own fuses, change your own oil (and by this, I mean make your own oil change appointments), your friends' last names
- Activities: travel more, take more photos, go out more, join a book club, scrapbooking
- Relationships: Will I, Won't I, Will She, Won't She, Will He, Won't He
- Miscellaneous: Anything else

Rules for Proclaiming a New Years Resolution
All official New Years resolutions must be proclaimed by the appropriate date listed above. You must tell atleast one person what the resolution is. Unless, of course, there is no one else around, then you must just be really really honest about it.

Penalty for Abandoning New Years Resolution
1 year of shame and personal guilt

It's funny, I don't think that I've ever really tried to make a resolution or especially stick to one that I make, but this year it seems like something that I really want to do. I'm holding onto this idea fast and hard for some reason. Last year my New Years resolution was to be a vegetarian, but that mostly on a bet, and my competitive side kicked in. I think I made it a month before I got tired of being perpetually hungry and cranky.

Don't worry, I'm still going to learn how to ride a bike. I've already got one lined up. Also still going to learn how to swim. Just seems like one of those valuable life skillz (yes, I meant to spell that with a "z") that I should probably have in my back pocket. Ya know, in case I ever need to jump in a pool and save Mickey after he falls in while attempting to chase his tail.

But I've kind of realized that I have a better resolution for the year. And since I actually intend to keep this one, I have until Jan 31 to lock it in, per the rules above. And even if I need an extension, I have a pretty good feeling that the committee will rule in my favor (I know a guy). I went to Las Vegas last weekend with a group of friends and had a really fun time connecting with people that I really wanted to get to know better, and I think it was a big success. I always talk about all the travel that I want to do, and there are so many people and places that I keep promising to visit. So my NEW New Years resolution is to go somewhere every month of 2012. In the spirit of making and maintaining connections, I want to travel either to see old friends or travel for fun with friends. 12 months. 12 trips- minimum.

I am going this weekend to Houston to reconnect with a sorority sister from college (shout out to my Mags!), and I just booked a ticket last week to go to the Baltimore/DC area and visit some old college friends in March. I do have to give myself a break in February since I will be moving and have 2 trips in January. The bottomline will work out in the end, so this seems like a fair compromise. Eh? (Shoot, now I have to plan a trip to Canada)
So now that I have what I think is a more viable resolution to work off of, something that I can measure a little more readily throughout the year, I am now at the point where I need to start thinking about the trips that I want to take for the rest of the year. Who will kindly host me on their couch (futon preferable) and who is up for the odd random trip? Any recommendations for fun citites in the US to visit? Or maybe easy international trips?

I might not have my "BIG adventure" lined up, but I can certainly turn 2012 into a mini adventure. And of course, anyone who wants to come to Atlanta is always welcome!! Happy travels!

Monday, January 16, 2012

What's Your Brandy Alexander?

Brandy Alexander: a sweet, brandy-based cocktail consisting of cognac and crème de cacao that became popular during the early 20th century. No wonder it always gets you into trouble. Goes down easy.
I suppose I am returning to the roots of my blog in this post. As much fun as analyzing The Bachelor, begging you people to "follow" me, and destroying childhood memories of winter wonderlands past is, figured it was time to have some more substantial discussion. Don't worry- I'm sure I'll be inspired by something random again soon enough.

I would also like to credit Feist with tonight's title. What a timely track to pop up as I sit down to start writing.

Do you ever notice certain patterns and bad habits that you just can't quit? Ok, stupid question, of course you do. And if you don't...well...this is not going to be easy to're in denial. We all have our Brandy Alexanders, our vices, our Achilles Heels, our Kryptonites. This is not unique to any of us. If you recall, I first started writing this blog to help myself take a look at the things that I am doing in my life, whether right or wrong, and basically use you all as a forum to bounce ideas and thoughts off of. Mostly a way for others who may have similar challenges or who have experienced the ones that I can't quite conquer to share. So tonight, this week, lately really, I've been mulling over the idea of bad patterns and poor decisions. Not so much why do we make them- afterall, mistakes are important to make- but why do we continue to make them? Is there any easy way to break the cycle?

Here's one of many great examples that has been on my mind: my calendar and the way that I schedule it. I have a consistently bad habit, for years, of overbooking and over commiting myself. Almost anyone who has ever made a plan with me can speak to this point. I am always running from one place to the other and cutting timing just a little too close, often leaving myself with no down time and lots of stress. Yet I continue to do it. I don't just take the easy way out and say "no", instead I have clearly had too many years of brainwashing by Nike's "Just Do It" campaign so this is obviously not my fault. But, what if for just a very brief second, just for hypothetical purposes, we PRETEND that maybe this is of my own doing. Crazy, I know, but see if you can picture it. Why do I keep doing it? It's not as if I think "Hmm, this is an awful plan, but I think I'm going to do it anyway". It would almost be easier to fix this issue if I were able to recognize in the first place that I am repeating my own cycle. But 99% of the time, I don't even recognize what I have done until I am mid-act. And at the point, it's just too late. A checks and balances system would be helpful, but that's hard to do when I'm doing this alone. I suppose I could ask Mickey, but unless the decision is in regards to who can help me finish the last piece of cheese, he's actually pretty useless. Especially so, because I always finish it, duh.

But let's go back to our hypothetical situation where, hard as it would be to believe, I would be responsible for my own deicisions. I could only imagine that it would make said scenario even more frustrating if you actually make attempts to break these recognized patterns, yet somehow manage to make just a different version of the same bad decision. You notice that you are about to order another Brandy Alexander and realizing that you can't stomach another sweet cocktail, you go with a tequila shot instead. Different decision. Same vane. Still bad. The right decision? Order a glass of water. But you never come to that conclusion until the next morning, and then there's no going back.

Per usual, no answers, just food for thought. So make a drink and talk amongst yourselves :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Will You Be a Follower?

I'm sure that based on the title of this post, you are all wondering what powerfully deep topic I'm going to vent about in regards to "following". Follow your heart? Follow the norm? Follow the leader?


Follow ME!

Literally. One of the main goals for any blogger is to gain traction and followers. I've been reading a lot on how to do this, and there does not appear to be any concensus among blogging experts out there as to the best way to increase comments and followers on a blog. So I've decided to try my own method. Begging. Ya, not my proudest moment, but given that I've already openly admitted that I can't ride a bike or swim, I have to imagine this can't be the breaking point for any of you that have returned.

I ask of you, my friends and readers, if you have ever read more than, let's call it 3 posts, just click the button and follow me, join my site. It seems like such a simple and easy request in return for all of the humor and wisdom that I provide you with week to week. Right?....R-right??

Anyway, I know you guys are out there reading, my increasing numbers tell me this. So just make it legit. And check in every now and then, leave a comment or two if something is on your mind. I know some of you leave comments on Facebook- and I love it. But it's time to join the Blog-olution (I just made that word up, could you tell?), leave your thoughts here for everyone to see. Maybe even pass me along, help me gain some traffic. I can't do it alone! People helpin' people, remember?

Let's see if we can get 20 new followers out of this. Becuase if this "begging" method works, then I can go out and comment on the experts blogs and tell them that I have a new and better way to do it. And maybe I'll even share some of the credit with y'all! (I said MAYBE) 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This is Why I Hate "The Bachelor"

Alright, the new season of The Bachelor has started, season 47 is it? And I, for some reason unbeknownst even to MYSELF, have made the decision to watch it all the way through. The main reason that I decided to do this started out of general curiosity. I watched one season last winter/spring with 2nd time Bachelor Brad Womack, and found myself annoyingly (emphasis on "annoyingly") drawn in. So much to the point that I remember crying along with Chantal when he broke her heart on the mountain top and chose Emily, everyone's favorite southern belle.

Brad and Emily 4 Ever!
So why have I decided to go back for more? Is it the large general gathering of charming personalities? Probably not. Perhaps the quirky, cute rivalries between each of the contestants? Definitely not. The 25 hot babes that parade around in evening gowns and bikinis? Wait, which blog am I writing again? Strike 3.

As a general rule, I can't stand reality television. The Real Housewives series bring me to a point of boiling anger, the Kardashians make me want to throw objects through windows, and oh, for crying out loud, if I ever have to sit through an entire episode of Jersey Shore, there's a 95% chance that I will start a fire. And everything that I can't stand about each of those shows is completely present in The Bachelor. I think the part about the show that I find most annoying is how formulaic it is. We all know that there is going to be 1 divorcee, 1 single mother, 2-4 sob stories just depending on what came out of the casting call, and of course 1 major source of tension within the first epsiode. In fact, I found it almost boring that Jenna got the last rose on the first episode, how could you NOT have seen it coming.

My fascination in this show is not really about what is going on in the show itself, but what a great study in 20-something single women. Most of the women on this show are within a few standard deviations of my age, they are all painfully single and hunting for "the man of their dreams" who ironically they choose to ignore has already proposed to another woman and been rejected on national television all within the last year. Yet they all claim to just looooooove him. Sure he's cute, in that Raphael Nadal minus capris kind of way. And ok, sure, kind of cool that he's a wine maker. But really, these women are all coveting an image that the media built up over an entire season. It's fascinating to me. If we were all going to follow dreams of marrying our tv crushes, then I would have eloped with JTT (Jonathan Taylor Thomas, for anyone who lived under a rock during the early 90s) before puberty even hit.

Who didn't have this photo taped onto their wall next to a pile of Beanie Babies? And he was always at the top of everyone's MASH list!
I just don't understand the institution of The Bachelor. I feel sad for these poor girls who get their hearts broken every show because their "true love" didn't love them back. I feel angry towards these mean catty girls who just perpetuate every sterortype of the quintessential mean girl. How? How can people just be that blatently rude?? It don't make no sense. And then I of course feel awkward for the one crazy girl who's just there to stir the pot and doesn't realize that the humor of the show is at her expense. And worst of all? I really really hate that despite all evidence to the contrary, I'm still going to watch it. I think there's also a little part of me that just wants to understand what everyone's Facebook posts are going to be about on Tuesday mornings- ya, you know who you are!

So I'm sure that my weekly studies in the average 20-something year old female behavior will spark some new and interesting posts. But in the mean time, Mickey and I have decided to jump on the Kacie B. bandwagon.

Will you please accept this rose and join me for my next blog?