Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I was perhaps a little over zealous in deciding that Cindy Lou had actually successfully answered the "Who" that I have been exploring. I am growing to believe that it's not a question that one CAN answer, but more one that we continue to explore, as I have done so openly over the last year. Richmond is not an end, or "the answer". It's actually a start, a twist in the response. Part of the exercise in life on finding myself that I began last August. And on days like today, when I get frustrated, a little beaten up, and a little down and want nothing more than to run back to the familiar, I'm thankful for the little reminders that it's just a bad day, not a bad situation. Someone very dear and wise taught me to look out for this...

It can be easy to get tunnel visioned and shut down - very easy in fact - and not realize where I was a year ago compared with where I am today. The whole point of this blog was to track that progress and be kept honest. And reading some earlier posts reminded me of that goal. 

So perhaps I jumped the gun on claiming myself new and bright and shiny (seriously, I've got to stop stealing terms from Grey's Anatomy). It's been almost a full year since I started Cindy Lou Who and I feel that I have turned my back on her as of late. Sorry, old girl! She helped me through a few very rough patches and stood by me through some really awesome times. Maybe we can all pretend that my last post didn't actually exist and it was just some really bad dream that we all had. Or I guess I could just delete it all together. Nah, that doesn't seem fair. And if you will, as you have so kindly done over the last year, allow me to open this door back up and continue to share myself, my struggles, my little victories, my Mickey stories, my musings on terrible traffic, my terrible 90s music references, and whatever other thoughts come to me on any random day, we will call it a personal favor and I'll owe each of you one back. (Disclaimer: I still owe on the beer from my 1000th view post, so I wouldn't really hold your breath for me to help with anything time sensitive. I also don't do yardwork and don't babysit. Probably not good for moving and I can't offer legal advice. Soooooo, ya.)

Thank you to everyone out there who has gotten me here and continues to do so. Old friends and new friends and Mickeys alike.  Oh, and in case you were wondering how the 4 left-pawed pup is doing, I'm happy to report that he has a new love in his life. Jackson! A 20lb Yorkie who completely owns him. They couldn't be happier together. Mickey even lets Jackson share his closet, things have gotten serious between these two:

Alright, time to climb down off this lovely rooftop, as much as I wish I could stay under the stars, where no one can make us change who we are (Yup, old school Teitur tonight). But alas, I must turn it in for the night. I will be back in a much more timely fashion though, I promise...

The always [Insert adjective here],
Cindy L. Who


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