Friday, April 13, 2012

Adventures in Wall-E World

So I think that most of us saw the wonderful animated film that came out in 2008 about the loveable trash collecting robot scouring a deserted wasteland and meeting the love of his life, EVE- a robot from outspace where the humans have all migrated to their sedentary, pre-programed lifestyle. So sweet...
Wook at dos sad wittle eyes....
But I don't bring up this image of adorable robot romance to highlight a Pixar love story, instead I find myself curious as to whether the creators of Wall-E had already seen what I was introduced to this week.

Get a load of this ship:
Google Glass (work safe, and link is legit)

Now that we're all in the know of Google's latest and greatest undertaking...

I'm not saying that IF Google Glass is actually successfully developed and functional that we are totally destined to be aboard the Axiom (the spaceship in Wall-E), but it's sure taking a step in the right direction. While I have written about my frustrations and confusion with our modern, rapidly advancing technology, this one takes the cake, HANDS DOWN.

It's not enough to have any and all applications and society at our fingertips, but now we need them in front of our faces so that we don't even have to get our daily work out of holding our iPhones and Blackberrys up to our face all day. Nevermind the subculture of extremely lazy, unmotivated humans that this has the potential to turn out, but think about the potential of everything that Google Glass has the power to depreciate.

This is the optimal set up for entire generations that won't know how to read a map, keep a calendar (obviously this one is terrifying to me), research essay topics without an internet search, remember a phone number, recall birthdays, and probably eventually even tell time on a non-digital clock. Augmented reality...REALLY???

I'm not sure how serious to take this newest endeavor by Google, but it certainly seems to be stirring up commotion across the board, both for and against. And if you watched the video and find yourself signing up to be first on the list to try out the first pair, I ask you to really think about if the advantages really outweigh the disadvantages. Other than the soon to be new hipster look, I can't find the benefit of such a product. If Google really wants to start making a difference, how about a tool that prevents cancer? Or one that can build wells in Africa?

I'm sorry Google, but this time you've gone too far for me. If I didn't rely on my Gmail accounts, Gchat, Google Maps and Google Search to get me through my day to day, I would propose a Google blackout for a week. But you've somehow managed to make yourself too relevant to my daily life. I resent you a little bit in this moment.

But for now, all I can say to Google and your Glasses:

Please don't enable my great grandchildren to have to dress like Judy Jetson. And their great grandhildren to live aboard the Axiom.

Just Don't Do It.

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