Monday, October 3, 2011

The Weighting Game

About a year and a half ago I decided that I was tired of the extra weight that I put on towards the end of college. So I set out to start making some lifestyle changes and get myself into better shape and health at a point in my life where it is easy to do so. Because as I am constantly reminded these days...I ain't getting any younger. And while I know that I have lost a decent amount in this time, I don't think that I had stopped to quantify it at any point. And over the period of the last week or two, I've noticed that I have hit another round of weight loss. Several comments were made about how I'm" fading away" or "skin and bones" (Although to be fair, this one was out on a Saturday night and a new friend was using this as an argument to encourage me to have a piece of cookie cake. Little did he know, the words cookie cake would have been magic enough). And then I really started thinking about it last week when a friend expressed concern over how much I have lost. So I sat down and did some math. I lost 147 pounds!?!?! Oh wait...sorry, 45. Sloppy math, my B.

I have lost 45 pounds in the last year and a half. And while we ladies don't reveal our weight very willingly, I'll just tell you that was roughly a quarter of my body weight. I am 3/4 the person I was. 75% of me is left. Ok I'm out of proportions to describe this. But I think you get the picture. I really hadn't thought about it this way. I was just trying to take better care of myself, and I think that I have done that successfully. So there is a great feeling of accomplishment that goes along with this.

So today, basking in the glory of said accomplishment, and having a few free hours thanks to one of my students cancelling last minute, I decided that I wanted a few new items to compliment my closet. I have bought a few pieces as each new season rolls around, just enough to get me through. But now that it seems the weight is staying off, I have purged my closet. Out with the old and in with the new!! Much easier said than done.

I don't know how to shop for my new body. I have somehow waded through picking clothing that will go on me and stay on my body, but I don't know what type of clothing looks best on only 75% of me. And now that I am actually seeing the weightloss in the mirror, I see the difference. Sometimes I stop and just look because I can't believe that's me in the mirror, there's 25% missing!

So here's my problem. I have an almost barren closet now, a little bit of cash to spend, no idea where to go or what to buy.and no one to help me shop. I feel a little bit like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman looking for a cocktail dress (minus the whole hooker thing, of course). I need everything. Work clothes, casual clothes, work out clothes, even down to new bras, because mine are starting to stray when I make any sudden movements (sorry to the boys who are reading this, it's an annoyance you will just never understand). It's all a little overwhelming. I don't want to spend a fortune on clothes, but I would like some decent pieces and maybe even a little bit of style. The frustrations that I experience trying to buy clothes just leave me stomping out of the store and feeling down that I can't even pick out stupid clothes. So I just avoid going. I can hide no more. I am using my European vacation at the end of the month as my motivator to get this closet back in shape.

Does anyone have any suggestions of places where I should be shopping? I tend to go to the same 2 or 3 stores and always end up with the same versions of the same boring stuff. I do not want to put those same boring clothes back in my closet or back on me. Where are all the kids shopping these days, where should I find the cool new threads? -20 points to anyone who sends me to Urban Outfitters though. A new me requires a new wardrobe. Any insight is very much appreciated. Be warned, I do hate the idea of clothes shopping online, so keep those suggestions to yourself :)

And of course, anyone who is willing to play personal shopper and go out with me, pick out some clothes, and suffer through helping me pick out clothes receives a free lunch on me!


  1. Personally, I always find cute stuff at Kohl's. I'm also a sucker for NY&Co when I have some extra cash or when they have sales. And as for shopping online - usually I'll go try on all the stuff at the store and then order online just because I can usually find better coupon deals online.

    CONGRATULATIONS on losing so much weight. That's incredible. I also had no idea you were blogging, so consider yourself followed. :)

  2. Are you done with H&M and Charlotte Russ? Kohl's is a good suggestion. I have also seen really cute things White House/Black Market.

    Congrats on the amazing weight loss. I knew you had lost a lot, but that # is awesome! You look great!!

  3. Synthia-

    I too had a huge weight loss a couple of years back...40lbs. It took me awhile to remember what it felt like to feel good about and enjoy shopping for clothes again! So I started with a great pair of jeans...or two ;) and some tops that I could layer or wear a couple of different ways. I also bought a couple of expensive pieces, like a blazer, nice jackets/sweaters to help dress up some of my more casual items. Although my wardrobe consisted mostly of heavy sweaters and jackets (I did live on the lake in Chicago for 4 years!!), I feel like you will be able to have a fairly diverse wardrobe living in this climate. One of my favorite places to shop is Nordstrom Rack....I love this store not only b/c they have quality clothes, but a lot of their brands are on the popular boutique shopping discount sites like gilt, ruelala, BTR, etc. I find that checking out Nordstrom Rack periodically and trying on the different brand name clothes I like, helps me be able to buy things from the earlier mentioned discount shopping sites when they are a featured brand! I would def. recommend going shopping by yourself a couple of times as well w/ a shopping partner. I found that when I first started shopping for clothes after I lost weight, I was very uncomfortable w/a lot of the clothes my friends would help me pick out!! Once you get used to the new you and your new size, you will be able to shop with no problem and enjoy it! GOOD LUCK! I love to shop btw and will be having to do a lot of shopping for a lighter wardrobe here soon! Feel free to call/text whenever!

    -Ashley Gibbs
