Thursday, September 29, 2011

Enough is Enough is Enough

This is a word that I have come to ponder over and over so much lately that it may start to lose it's meaning soon. And I would be just fine with that. Enough. Enough. Enough. Enuff. Enuv. Eneuve. Aneuve. Deneuve. Catherine Deneuve! No? It's a very funny joke for any francophiles out there.

Anyway, enough of that (pun intended), back to the subject at hand. This word has been haunting me lately. As someone who likes rules and structure and limits, this word could not be more useless. What is enough? When is enough? How much is enough?

How often do you find yourself asking any questions internally with this word? And do you ever have an answer that satisfies you? It can't be done, because it's not a thing.

Constantly I am frustrated with myself for not doing enough, not being enough. But how can I chide myself when there is no real parameter? I'm not thin enough. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not smart enough. Well, I'm thin, pretty, and smart, so at what point did this annoying word work its way into my process? At what point along any line does this word creep into our thoughts. It's not defined, so where did it come from?

I set a goal to study for 2 hours tonight. I studied for 2 hours. Yet I finished and thought "I didn't study enough". How can that be? How is it that I did not hit an undefined goal when I did hit an actual goal? It baffles me.

Let's scale it back and even go simpler here. Mom asks "did you get enough to eat?" How do you answer?? Well I ate enough that I'm not going to rip someone's head off, but I didn't eat enough that I won't want a snack in an hour. I also ate enough that an African child would be jealous, yet not enough to be classified as a Louis C.K. Cinnabun joke.  Seriously, what is enough?

I am seeing it as a multi variable equation (perhaps that's the not enough hours of studying talking). But some number x plus some number y equals another number z (x+y =z, right? check my math if you must). X is equal to "enough". What is the value here? Completely and utterly useless. Yet it still plagues us all. We just can't quite solve the problem.

Don't even get me started on "Dayenu" (Figured I should throw in some Jewish humor- being Rosh Hashana and all).

Alas, I digress. At this point, I believe that I have said "enough". Enough. E-nuph. E-noff. E-nov. Almost there.

On another note: Many of you have told me how much you have been enjoying my blog, and I certainly appreciate your input and kind words. I continue to encourage you all to comment on my thoughts, enhance my ideas, and offer your own advice. I would love to know what you all are thinking about my topics. I am not here merely to talk at you- that would not be "enough" (see what I did there :) ). But my goal here is to create communication- dialogue, if you will. I only aspire to create jumping off points, and the occasional laugh.


  1. Interesting post - I think the notion of 'enough' haunts everyone. I have always thought that enough is something I reach when I get to a point where I am better off (happier, healthier) than before when enough was never 'enough'. I have never been one to get into blogs, but I must say it's growing on me. Not that I think I can come up with the content for one....but to drop a reference here, it's a source of inspiration. maybe not sketching inspiration, but i think its making a difference.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Anonymous

    Thank you so much for your kind words! And while I understand what you mean by your definition of "enough", at what point do you define happy enough or healthy enough? Do you keep striving for healthier and happier? It's where we draw the line that has me wondering.

  4. Is it possible that "enough" keeps us from reaching the potential we have? Why can't we just "be happy" or "be pretty" or "healthy"?
    If you live in the present with an eye on the future, that really is enough! (Just for now). There is no line drawn in the sand, our mind says
    there is. Aim for the level of happiness offered to you, not what you want happiness to be. Then wait for the happiness you think you want, it will be so much sweeter.- Mom

  5. @Cindy Lou WhoAt his trial for heresy, Socrates is reputed to have said "The unexamined life is not worth living."
    Yet there is a difference between examining and nitpicking.
    The first means determining your goals and then pursuing them according to your values. The second means measuring yourself against an ideal imposed by others and straining at abstractions.
    You speak of being pretty, yet is beauty not in the eye of the beholder? What is health, when in the kingdom of the blind a one-eyed man is king?
    You have a goal: passing the GMAT. Why is this your goal?
    Answer this, and you will know the meaning of "enough."
    A. Nonnymouse
