Sunday, December 16, 2012

Merry Christma-Channuk-Wanza-kuh!

The traditional seasonal greeting.

Well, atleast in today's society.

As a half-breed, I feel so demographically homogenous in today's society. Coming from a half-Jewish, half-not family, I don't feel so special anymore. Atleast not in terms of my Atlanta heritage. In Richmond, I think I am still an anomoly. At any given time, I'm really just a beer away from being asked if I know Adam Sandler. (I don't, for anyone who is still curious)

But I still own my cultural heritage, because it is part of who I am. I grew up lighting the candles and spinning the dreidle and I try to maintain these traditions to the best of my ability. I want to make sure that my Mickey has a strong sense of where he came from :)

So as I start to prepare myself for my first journey home next weekend for the holiday season, I reflect upon this holiday season and the gems that it is about to bestow upon me (mostly my mother telling my dog that he is sufficient until any further grandchildren present themselves), and I want to wish all of my friends and followers and family a happy holiday season.

Embrace the holiday spirit, whatever that holiday may be. And if the holiday season (or the 9 shopping days left) does not so move you, then channel deep inner thoughts of Ho-Ho-Hos and Egg Nog and latkes and tacky lights, or whatever it is that really touches you deep down on a holiday type level so that you are tolerable at a holiday party.

Beacuse the holidays are real and they are spectacular. Tell those you love that you love them, and those that you don't that you do anyway (a little white-lie never hurt anyone).

And before you know it, it will be 2013 and we will be onto whining about new things all over again, so enjoy the holiday spirit while you can.

A most joyous of seasons to you all, my friends. To Jews and non-Jews alike, we are all but one holiday melting pot known as December.




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