Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Life Tonight

If you had told me a year ago - scratch that - six months ago - that I would be where I am today, I would not have taken you seriously.

What do I mean by that? Well, that's a great question, I'm glad you asked.

I feel better. I feel good. I feel excited and hopeful, for the first time in a long time. Not that I've been a total Debbie Downer up until now, but I realized tonight on my drive home that I've managed to string together a few successful weeks of feeling uplifted. And I've been waiting for this patch literally for years now. It's been a rough ride to get here, to get past the things that have haunted me and uprooted me over the last 2 plus years. But I have an overwhelming sense that I've done it. I've passed the hurdle and while I still have much healing to do and hurt to overcome, I atleast feel properly equipped to handle it.

And I'm so proud of myself for getting here. And so thankful for my friends that have supported me along the way and continue to do so as I transition to this next phase of my life. I'll write more about this transition very soon, I promise. I know there are a lot of people out there that have asked me for more information. And I'm almost ready to share. But I feel good. Maybe the best that I've felt in my life. I know there will be days when I will continue to struggle and I'll hit new bumps in the road, BRING IT!

But for now, I am just content to sit here, on the patio, listening to some Van Morrison with my Mickey and enjoy the fact that I am enjoying where I am right now. I wasn't sure that this spot existed, and it's very comforting to know that it does.

I reckon, all I mean to say is that I'm doing well. Things are good. Great, even. Man, it feels good to say that. And I can't wait to share the details of my news very soon!


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