Monday, January 23, 2012

The Official Guide to the New Years Resolution

Is it too late to change my New Years resolution? What's the official deadline that we have to have these turned in by? I think that there needs to be some official document on the rules of the New Years Resolution. In fact, let's go ahead and lay out some ground rules...

Official deadlines to submit resolution
- January 31: for all participants intending to actually keep proclaimed resolution
- January 15: for all participants who want to make a serious resolution but have no real intention of keeping it for more than a week 
- January 2: for all participants who just got caught up in the excitement of the toasts at midnight
- April 15: for all participants who resolve to do their taxes for the year
- December 31: for all participants who are compulsive liars

**All requests for deadline extensions must be submitted in writing to the Resolution committee which consists of myself, the Easter Bunny, Mariah Carey (pre-Nick Cannon)  and our Member at Large- Mickey**

Recognized Resolution Categories
- Personal Development: Including, but by no means limited to (depending on the severity of your neuroses): weight loss, quitting smoking, drinking less, exercising more, learning- see subsection 2A
- (2A) Learning: a lanugage, how to cook, how to remove your foot from your mouth, how to do your      taxes, how to catch your tail when chasing it, Bird Law
- Things that you've been putting off: how to ride a bike, how to swim, change your own fuses, change your own oil (and by this, I mean make your own oil change appointments), your friends' last names
- Activities: travel more, take more photos, go out more, join a book club, scrapbooking
- Relationships: Will I, Won't I, Will She, Won't She, Will He, Won't He
- Miscellaneous: Anything else

Rules for Proclaiming a New Years Resolution
All official New Years resolutions must be proclaimed by the appropriate date listed above. You must tell atleast one person what the resolution is. Unless, of course, there is no one else around, then you must just be really really honest about it.

Penalty for Abandoning New Years Resolution
1 year of shame and personal guilt

It's funny, I don't think that I've ever really tried to make a resolution or especially stick to one that I make, but this year it seems like something that I really want to do. I'm holding onto this idea fast and hard for some reason. Last year my New Years resolution was to be a vegetarian, but that mostly on a bet, and my competitive side kicked in. I think I made it a month before I got tired of being perpetually hungry and cranky.

Don't worry, I'm still going to learn how to ride a bike. I've already got one lined up. Also still going to learn how to swim. Just seems like one of those valuable life skillz (yes, I meant to spell that with a "z") that I should probably have in my back pocket. Ya know, in case I ever need to jump in a pool and save Mickey after he falls in while attempting to chase his tail.

But I've kind of realized that I have a better resolution for the year. And since I actually intend to keep this one, I have until Jan 31 to lock it in, per the rules above. And even if I need an extension, I have a pretty good feeling that the committee will rule in my favor (I know a guy). I went to Las Vegas last weekend with a group of friends and had a really fun time connecting with people that I really wanted to get to know better, and I think it was a big success. I always talk about all the travel that I want to do, and there are so many people and places that I keep promising to visit. So my NEW New Years resolution is to go somewhere every month of 2012. In the spirit of making and maintaining connections, I want to travel either to see old friends or travel for fun with friends. 12 months. 12 trips- minimum.

I am going this weekend to Houston to reconnect with a sorority sister from college (shout out to my Mags!), and I just booked a ticket last week to go to the Baltimore/DC area and visit some old college friends in March. I do have to give myself a break in February since I will be moving and have 2 trips in January. The bottomline will work out in the end, so this seems like a fair compromise. Eh? (Shoot, now I have to plan a trip to Canada)
So now that I have what I think is a more viable resolution to work off of, something that I can measure a little more readily throughout the year, I am now at the point where I need to start thinking about the trips that I want to take for the rest of the year. Who will kindly host me on their couch (futon preferable) and who is up for the odd random trip? Any recommendations for fun citites in the US to visit? Or maybe easy international trips?

I might not have my "BIG adventure" lined up, but I can certainly turn 2012 into a mini adventure. And of course, anyone who wants to come to Atlanta is always welcome!! Happy travels!


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